About Family Ministries:
In January 2005 the Family Ministries movement was launched in the Laurel UMC. Family Ministries came about as our church Nursery was being updated with new toys and guidelines that promoted a safe and healthy environment for our children. One of the goals of this change was to help our church appeal to new families in order to create growth within our church. However, once new families and individuals find our church, it can be a challenge to get people involved in a way that they feel like they belong-that they are a part of our church family. Our church offers many opportunities to get involved, however those classes and opportunities tend to segregate family members from each other, as the adults are with other adults, the children in their Sunday School classes, and the youth hanging out with their youth group. These are all excellent ways for a person to grow in their individual spirituality, but there is a need for a family to have their faith nurtured as a whole. Between school, work, and various other activities it seems there is little time left over to do things as a family, our church saw a need to provide a platform for family time and has been striving to fill that need through Family Ministries.
Upcoming Family Ministries Sponsored Activities
A Call for Baby Bundle Items:Family Ministries is putting out a call for new baby items for our baby bundles given to new parents in our church circle.
What We Need:
Thank you! |
Upcoming Schedule of Events: |
Activities of Family Ministries:
While Family Ministries provides fun, safe activities for families to take part in, they also offer opportunities for families to get involved in mission activities. The following list are various activities Family Ministries has hosted in the past.
w Family Skate Day
U “Feed a Family” Project
w Bingo Night - Potluck Supper
U Annually held, WWJD Day
w Dad & Me Bowling Date
U Dress a Child
w Moms & Kids Cookie Baking Night
It’s important to remember that while Family Ministries is fostering to the need of providing church activities for the family to do together, it’s also about encouraging our growth as a church family, so if you are a single person, you are more than welcome & encouraged to participate in these activities.
w Family Skate Day
U “Feed a Family” Project
w Bingo Night - Potluck Supper
U Annually held, WWJD Day
w Dad & Me Bowling Date
U Dress a Child
w Moms & Kids Cookie Baking Night
It’s important to remember that while Family Ministries is fostering to the need of providing church activities for the family to do together, it’s also about encouraging our growth as a church family, so if you are a single person, you are more than welcome & encouraged to participate in these activities.
Calling all Volunteers!Family Ministries is always looking for volunteers. There are presently ten people who serve on this committee. Family Ministries tries to meet only 2 times per year, once in the fall and once in the spring-planning six months of activities at a time. Our goal is to provide one Family Ministries Activity per month. Typically, we assign a few people to one project and a different crew to work the next project. We try not to have all the committee members work on every event-we definitely share the load. The number of our events is growing, but our committee is not, so if you’re interested in finding a new way to serve our church, this could be just what you’re looking for!
For more information on Family Ministries or to volunteer, please fill out the contact form. |
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